Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dental caries.......

Dental caries or tooth decay is a pathological process of localized destruction of tooth tissues by micro-organisms. it is something of a paradox that teeth can be destroyed relatively, rapidly invivo and yet are almost indestructible post mortem. a few cases of caries have been found i the fossil teeth of prehistoric dinosaurs, mammals, reptiles. caries appears to have been evident in homosapiens since paleolithic times, but the incidence of caries increased during the neolithic time.

  • ancient Sumerian text- caries was caused by a worm that drank the blood of the teeth.
  • humors-the ancient greeks considered that s persons physical and mental situation was determined by relative proportions of the four elemental fluids of the body-blood, phlegm, blackbile and yellow. caries was caused by the imbalance of these humors.
  • vital theory
  • chemical theory
  • parasitic theory
  • chemico-parasitic theory
  • proteolytic theory
  • proteolysis-chelation theory
  • phosphate sequestration theory